Whew. It's been a rough week for ol' Mark's sense of self-purpose. I need to dial the Conni Confidence hotline...
Conni: Hello? Conni Confidence here.
Mark: Hello. My name is Mark and I need help.
C: What's the problem?
M: I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I'm not living up to my potential. I'm in a rut. I can't see the forest for the trees.
C: I think you've got a bigger problem.
M: What's that?
C: Exhibitionism. You have an unhealthy desire for validation in the public eye. It leads you to write cutesy posts on your WeBLoG airing your personal feelings. Much like this one.
M: This is a blog post?
C: It certainly is.
M: Then we're both...
C: Fictional constructs.
M: Do I still get charged for this call?
C: No, but we'd appreciate a donation of--(Mark hangs up.)
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