Friday, October 20, 2006

O'Donnell Lives

Phew! In a fit of deluded self-importance, I feared I had single-handedly killed Sun-Times sportswriter Jim O'Donnell's career. Woundup often lashed out at O'Donnell's purple prose in the back pages of "The Bright One" (S-T marketing term), particularly last year's green-gold profiles of Notre Dame football players. A new ND season arrived and... O'Donnell disappeared. They had given someone else a crack at Weis' crew. Where was O'Donnell? Did a higher-up at the Sun-Times read one of my anti-O'D missives? Did my own diamond-sharp prosody convince an editor to give the veteran legman the boot?

I calmed down when I saw O'Donnell's byline on two college football stories today, including a wonderful featurette on Bill Cosby's playing days at Temple. O'Donnell has grown on Woundup, and we'd like to see more of him amid the Telanders, Mariottis and Brad Biggses. From now on, Woundup will support O'Donnell... and will stop believing anyone reads this thing.

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