Well, it looks like ol' Woundup may be succumbing to the week-long illness that struck his wife. Feeling a bit bad in the sinus area at the moment. Wonderful. Well, what can you do? -- as my grandma says. Not the cheeriest vibes in the Woundup camp today -- staring at the prospect of another month at the Cracker Factory. This gig is a burden by Thursday, from my four-week experience, but Friday... Friday we bounce back! We can escape, at least for two days. Man, I don't wanna be sick right now. I need to be at the top of my game, like Allan Iverson... or Tommy Tune.
The street fair has come to Augusta Ave. -- the annual St. Helen's Church festival. Erika and I had fun with the Admiral at last year's incarnation. Those Poles eventually cut loose and have a good time... eventually. All of the rides were set up on Augusta last night with no one to use them. The merry-go-round... I nearly passed it by, but felt the Amateur Cell Phone Photographer's Call. (Hey, it worked! See above.)
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