Thursday, September 14, 2006

Put the Cat Out, Johnson, and Help Me Edit This Police Blotter

I was pleasantly surprised today when I found out that baseball Hall of Famer (and mustache Hall of famer) Rollie Fingers has an association with Quigley Corp., makers of Cold-eze cough drops -- a product I've used since college. Way to go, Cold-eze.

I just finished a tub of Erika's homemade potato soup -- delicious. Looking to kill 3.5 hours here before I can go home and enjoy a couple Bass ales with my Jim Rome. It's quiet (it's always quiet), and I feel a little like I'm at the Amherst Bee.

This is what is called a SLiCe oF LiFe entry at the WeBLoG aCaDeMy.

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