Friday, April 18, 2008

Realm Of Dusk

Tomorrow begins Painful Writing Ordeal 2.0 ... Well, now that I think about it, I already went through PWO 2.0 last month. This will have to be PWO 2.5.

I don't like to talk about my process, but I believe this now-annual occurrence merits an exception, as it occupies a higher, more demanding rung on the Ladder Of Revision -- one that requires a bit of psyching-up for the author (but not too much, as it leads to the psych-out). When it is over, I will have a finished play in my hands -- my second. I'm hoping this won't happen any later than May 3.

I bought a bag of Jay's BBQ chips from the little store, and as I was walking back to the New Cracker Factory, I had a glimpse of sunlit W. Kinzie and N. Dearborn: the Harry Caray's sign that always reminds of me of my many trips to the Fort Dearborn Post Office. (On returning from each submission trip, I pass in front of Harry's for good luck, just as I look into the eyes of the Ludwig Mies van der Rohe bust each work morning for a little lift.) Now a new pile of yet-to-be-copied scripts awaits its mission in the near-future. Soon enough.

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