Wednesday, April 13, 2005

On a Downtown Train

Today we got a taste of what it's like to live in Buffalo. Those following Western New York news know the Erie County government's problem with keeping services like public libraries open.

In Chicago, the CTA passed its doomsday plan: fare increases, service cuts, layoffs and other nastiness. It goes into effect July 17 unless the General Assembly can create more funding.

It's been intimated in publications like the Reader that the CTA's deficit is the result of mismanagement. That was the problem in Buffalo. I don't know how much it really applies to our situation, but in Chicago you have to figure it's a factor.

Who are the biggest potential losers? Not me. Those with prepaid company plans like the Chicago Card won't pay more. It's the poorer and unemployed riders who'll suffer. The plan raises the cash fare to $2 and eliminates transfers.

It's City vs. Suburbs; Chicago vs. Springfield; Good vs. Evil... My kind of town.

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